Hello! Sunny Mart!
SunnyMart offers a selection of delicious chicken!
At The Nanyan Store, we sell freshly baked chicken!
Of course you can also sample!(^_-)-☆
At the oi restaurant, we also try to compare chicken.
It is very popular with children!(^^♪
We also have a lot of Christmas shortcakes!
South Store
Oi Shop
At oi shop, a delicious cake shop in Wakasa Takahama
[Amverve]'s cakes and cream puffs are also on sale.(#^.^#)
Other things, pizza, sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres, etc.
Christmas party is full of fun items!!
What about a merry Christmas this year?
Leave it to Sunny Mart!!(^^)/
We wish your Merry X'mas!!